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QCWG - meeting the quantum computing challenge...


The question isn't why do we want one,

 it is how do we build one…


There are many approaches to the construction of a quantum computer being studied today. Each approach comes with limitations, drawbacks, and challenges. These include low-temperature requirements, phase coherence limits and scalability restrictions. Error sources and propagation are among the biggest concerns.


Instead the QCWG team pursues much different and riskier pathways than those typical in the field. Our approach uses the symmetry preserving properties of complex topologies constructed on 2D manifolds to build robust Qubits/Quregisters. That topology can allow for significant hardness against the environment is a concept we call the stabilization conjecture and it is just one of the ways we try to approach higher temperature operation in quantum hardware.


This is the core behind - QCWG - an attempt at realizing an architecture for general processing that is mobile, robust and scalable.​




06/21 - First quantum elements were synthesized and proven to work. Characterization, modification, etc.     underway. The SQUIRL was born.


12/21 - Design began on first ringer, a QED circuit for use with a SQUIRL at rf.


03/22 - 1st masks delivered for rf ringers, now the real lithography begins


06/22 - resonant response measured in the rf ringers for the first time. 1st signal!


07/22 - Direct observation of persistent currents using MFM


08/22 - CNOT gate design of mask begins. Simulations reveal requirements for impedance matching


08/22 - 1st heterogeneous integration with SQUIRL


11/22 - First time-crystal signal from a simple TI! Never before observed in such a topological system. Promising for use in quantum memories.


10/23 - First Integration of SQUIRLS into a five Qubit register


the Collaborative


Wake Forest U

North Carolina


Quoherent Inc




Erlangen Germany

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