a member of NANOTEQ
We are building a core of courses for the advanced undergraduate to PhD student in the areas of quantum information theory, quantum processing and computing, and quantum programming languages
PHY 365/655 Exotic Materials (3 Cr) Carroll
This advanced materials course is intended as a follow-on to graduate solid state physics and requires significant background preparation. The basic topic of the course is the introduction of topology in quantum materials.
PHY 354/654 - An Introduction to Quantum Computing (3 Cr) Carroll
This is a fast paced and advanced physics course with plenty of computer science thrown in as well. You will need some background in both physics and programming to make use of this course. If you have any doubts you should email the instructor.
MTH 3XX/6XX - An Introduction to Quantum Algorithms (3 Cr)
A new course offered by the Math department starting in spring '26.
PHY 7XX - Advanced Quantum Information Sciences
A new course at the advanced level on quantum information sciences.
Courses Taught by the Group
WFU makes these courses available to external participants using ZOOM. Participation by any individual is through the discretion of the instructor. For more information contact carroldl@wfu.edu